Short Story

I have all faith that god will let the right people see this message thank you god bless

colorado, United States (US)

helping those who help the handicap

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Goal: $50,000.00
Minimum amount is $100.00 Maximum amount is $50000.00
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oh kay so this is my story at the age of seven my mother had a little baby girl that was blind her retina was not attach to her brain well  when she turn the age three she came down with spinal meningitis this caused her to lose her hearing as if teaching a person how to communicate was not hard enough blind now we had to do it with no sound either well i was ten when she came home from the hospital def n blind and well it was a struggle everyday just trying to communicate well my mother being a dedicated person never gave up on her we both fought with everything we could to keep her safe and away from harm well this was also a struggle for me as i never really got to be a kid we had to do things a lot different in our house to keep her from injuring herself or us so with everyday struggles life just got more challenging as she became older she became more irritable and frustrated with there being very little to no communication with this she got very violent causing many people to be afraid of her and leaving me and my mom to deal with it on our own well anyway she passed away when she was 22 from acute kidney failed and then me n mom were lost  not knowing what our purpose was anymore well anyway we never had a lot because it was hard to manage surviving and now we sit here with nothing to look forward to  because we don’t have anyone but each other at this point life for us has been all about helping special needs people even if we got nothing out of it but the pure satisfaction of knowing that that is why god put us here being able to help the less Fortinet  now my mother is hand capped and can barely take care of herself well i am just asking for help to get us into a happy healthy living situation a older gentleman that is also handicap told me about this website he also offer me his house for a low cost when he passes away  well he is in the hospital now and i really would love to give him the money he needs to do a few things on his bucket list and he could pass his home to me when Jesus comes to take him home


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