Short Story

Due to the political, social, and economical context of our country, we are forced to leave. Only, due to money issues, we can’t bring our cats. But I can’t live without them. I saved them an raised them and now, they consider me as their Mom. Please help me bring them. We need at least 4 000€ – or approximately – 4 300$.

Please help us. 🙏🏽

The tiniest donation can help us.

Please. 🙏🏽

, New Caledonia

I need help to bring my cats with me

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $4,500.00
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I live on an island that became dangerous and unstable for the past 4 months. My family and I have to live, only because money is now a big issue for us, more than it already was, we can’t bring my baby cats with us. And this, this absolutely crush my heart and my soul. How can I let my baby cats, those cats I save and raise in such a place? All I want is to bring them with me. I know I’ll be more than sad without them, I’ll be empty, and so will they, because they consider me as their Mom.

Please help me, help us.

I can’t live without them.IMG 20240727 202823 IMG 20240722 084514 IMG 20240720 160549 IMG 20240814 154644


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