Short Story

Hello. My name is Rougui Diong. I and 27 years of age. I’m simply coming here because I need some help for me and my 5 year old daughter. I have been trying to get away from my very strict African parents control. I was forced to marry a man i didn’t love in my early 20s and had to live in agony of pain till I finally mustered up the courage to get a divorce from him. It’s been a year Since then they have not eased up on me and the constant pressure they put on me to to follow their cultural rules have taken a toll on my overall mental health. I’m asking for help for me and my daughter to get out of that situation and finally move somewhere away from the unstable environment I’m in with her. I have to constant paranoia due to the fact that they just will not let me move on from the man and are still pushing me to be with him.

Memphis, Tennessee

Fresh start

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $1,500.00
Minimum amount is $1000 Maximum amount is $3000
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I’m fundraising money for me and my 5 year old daughter to move.



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