Short Story

Mortgage, credit cards, medical bills, international moving expenses

Oregon, United States (US)

Tired of the struggle

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: $100,000.00
Minimum amount is $5000 Maximum amount is $100000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I’m not one to normally ask for help but I’m tired of going one step forward, two steps backwards financially.

I have a decent job but thanks to an unexpected layoff from the previous job, several months of unemployment, and then unplanned heart surgery I began this job in a deep hole, bills wise.

Combine that with the overwhelming trainwreck of The Muppets do Twilight Zone political situation now and a huge desire to emigrate elsewhere. Europe is looking really good right now.

I am in desperate need for financial assistance from anyone who might be willing to help.


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