Short Story

Helping my aunt who lost all her money

, Ukraine

Please help my aunt

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $1,000.00
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $1000
By textik
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hello to everybody. I would kindly ask you to help my 70 year old aunt who recently lost all her money due to internet scammers. She followed the link where financial help was proposed, came to the fishing site, and as a result UAH 40 000 ($ 1 000) were withdrawn from her bank account. I and my aunt live in Ukraine, in war circumstances and poorness, and we don’t have any possibility to return these money. (I work at the cemetery, cleaning up the graves, but my salary is very small, $ 200 per month). At the same time, 91 year old grandmother who cannot move and needs medicine is also in our care. We will be very grateful for any amount of money!


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