Housing for Students
Not sure this will work but trying.
I came to Vancouver Canada in 2016 to study. Working hard for what I want has never been a problem as that is what I am great at. However, no hard work could solve the financial challenges my new found best friend and I had. Vancouver is expensive and the price for housing accommodation and food near impossible. We knew we hit a new low when 3 of us girls were crammed on a queen bed to sleep every night. However, we both graduated from our program debt free and are now working.
The reason for ‘begging’ is not for myself or my friend but for other students who are faced with similar challenges. Having experienced grave difficulties, I understand it builds character etc. However, no one should be hungry or homeless due to insufficient funds, especially when you are in a new country. International students need support and a community.
Now here is my overly ambitious goal. I need to purchase or rent a home (if rental 2 – 3 year lease) to support students who need help. My over-the-top dream is to provide short-term accommodation, meals for both residents and non-residents of the house, and make available key student resources (books, transportation cost, etc.) for students who cannot afford them.
I would not stop there as the recipients must also give back to others. This means the program would require students to volunteer to help a charity. We will help the recipients to find part-time jobs while studying and post studies. When the recipients are successful we hope they also give back to the student home.
If this resonates with you, then give. I feel awful asking but my pride is less than my passion to help students.
The ideal is to have a home near the skytrain for easy commute. Here comes the big the cost …
A house in Vancouver or lower mainland may cost between 2-5 million. (not searching for anything crazy fancy, just safe and a place of pride). It would be great to own to ensure program continuity, but realistically, I do not need to own the home. I am willing to feed the students and will continue to raise funds to provide the other resources they may need. While accommodations will be limited, the dream extends to students who need to stop by for a meal by registering online so the cook knows they are coming. They will also be able to use the online resources or leave with items form the pantry if needed.
Please note I do not intend to live at the same house as this would take away space from people who need it. I am an HR executive at a not for profit so my skills would work well in managing the operations and also hiring students to do administrative work (great work opportunity for students).
So, here is the ask:
- Rental of a house for a 2-3 year lease = $8000×24 = $192,000 (this is very modest especially if close to skytrain).
- Purchase of a home = $3.5 Million.
You may not be able to give this but do share with someone who can.
Thank you.
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