Short Story


, India


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I’m a middle-class person whose life was going fine until the COVID crisis hit. My dad lost everything, and his entire business collapsed. We’ve lost several relatives, and now we’re drowning in debt that we can’t repay. The situation is so stressful that we are barely surviving, living off just $1 a day. For the past three months, we’ve been eating only one meal a day. All our savings have been used up to pay off the debt, but it still hasn’t ended. Because of my dad’s debt, we’re all suffering. We can’t pay our bills on time, and my sister can’t pay her college fees. My future feels ruined—I had to stop my studies halfway to help my dad, and now I’m stuck in a dead-end job.

Every day, I watch people my age having fun, going out, and enjoying life while I feel like I’m dying inside. I’m working three jobs, and the mental stress is overwhelming. I can’t sleep, and I feel like I might not survive much longer. I’m writing this as a last cry for help, feeling hopeless and lost. I don’t know what will happen next—I’m leaving it up to God and kind people. It feels like I have no future, and sometimes I think it would be better if I died, just to free my family from this debt I raising this Campaign.

I’m losing my youth, and I don’t want to enjoy my teenage years when I’m old. Time is slipping away, and I fear my dreams of finishing my education are disappearing. My sister’s dreams are also at risk. I feel like a failure, stuck in this job with no way out. I need help to get out of this hell I’m in. Our family only earns about $300 a month, which isn’t enough to survive. It could take us 36 years to pay off my dad’s debt. I feel like I’m trapped in a situation with no escape. I know I already feel dead inside, and this isn’t the life I wanted. I’m holding onto a tiny bit of hope that things can change and that my life can turn around


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