Short Story

I’ve decided to create ONE HOUR FOR YOU…based on languages. You have 1 hour in which you choose what to do…homework, lessons, conversation or translations in languages English, Spanish, Italian or German.

santa cruz de la sierra, Bolivia

Home sweet home

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $2,000.00
Minimum amount is $2000 Maximum amount is $3000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


After living for 30 years in Italy, working as a language teacher, pandemic hit and totally destroyed my stable life. Realizing the hard hit and the risks of not seeing my family, living in Bolivia South America, I decided to return to Bolivia to see my sister. I missed the passing of my brother, my father and my mother. I needed to go back where home was supposed to be. I arrived in Bolivia and started from zero, always working as a language teacher, but now the situation in Bolivia is crucial due to politics and other events. I’ve never asked for help from family because they have their own battles. I decided to open up a website called Only Remote, to promote my skills in teaching but now i need the funds to get started so I can set up my teaching studio. I decided on 2000$, so not to take advantage of the kind and gentle people willing to help me, it would be enough to get me started.


$20.00 or more
willing to offer ONE HOUR FOR YOU
October, 2024
Estimated Delivery
0 backers
1 rewards left


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