Short Story

I am asking for help in life and financial distress, help in the treatment of depression and easier reintegration into normal life.

, Czech Republic

Help me in life

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Goal: $1,000.00
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $500000
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I would like to take this opportunity to ask for a good deed and help in my unfavorable and frustrating financial situation, which every day gives me a worse and more devastating feeling of inferiority and desire to live. A few years ago, a tragic life event happened in my life when my friend and future husband died in an unfortunate tragic accident, the love of my life at a time when a person has his whole life ahead of him, I found myself on the brink and had a mental breakdown, since then he has passed away for some time, however, the psychological damage that I had since then I still carry with me, namely that I was diagnosed with depression without being aware of it and with it the difficult reintegration into society and everyday life in general, I still have a problem with thereby finding a job, because over the course of all this time when the loss of a job and thus the increase in debts associated with it continue to grow, the possibility of a good job or the possibility of finding a job at all is less and less, which does not help me one bit in the treatment of the mentioned depression, on the contrary, and already on the contrary, the mental illness in me is increasingly deepening me into a mental illness precisely because of my tragic past and financial distress, and therefore I am strongly begging and asking you for any help with my distressing financial situation, I will be very grateful for any help in my current life situation and trying not to fall deeper into the disease, but to get out of depression and try to start living a normal everyday life again. Thank you very much in advance for any help, because it will really help me a lot and I will be extremely happy for it, thank you.


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