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Help me help stary cats

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $5,000.00
Minimum amount is $100 Maximum amount is $5000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


It’s very cold and cats in my neighborhood are multiplying,  the city doesn’t take them, the neighborhood is live in , some cats have feline aids and other feline diseases that can give it to other cats.

They cant have these cats in the animal shelter,  the feline diseases are very contagious.

I take care of these poor stary cats , with warn shelter , food, and water.

My financial situation is limited and I’m disabled.

It becomes financially hard, i try to provide them with much as I can .

Please help me take care of these poor animals neglected by society,  especially during this harsh winter.

Sadly, some animal shelters , put these poor cats to sleep.

Please anything will help.



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