Short Story

Hi everyone! I’m Lin, and I’m excited to start this new chapter in my life. As an only child, I’m reaching out for support to fund my first car. This car will help me commute to both college and my new job and open up new opportunities. I’ve set a goal of $30,000, and every little bit helps. Thank you for considering contributing and making my dream a reality!

Fresno, United States (US)

Help Me Get My First Car – A Dream Come True!

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
35 Days Left
Goal: $30,000.00
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hi everyone,

My name is Lin, and I’m an only child about to embark on a new chapter in my life. I’ve been working hard and saving diligently, but I need a little help to make my dream of owning my first car a reality.

Having a car will not only make commuting to both college and my new job easier but also open up opportunities for me to expand on more opportunities to better myself. As an only child, I’m reaching out to my extended family, friends, and community for support.

I’ve set a goal of $30,000 to cover the cost of the car and related expenses. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings me closer to achieving this goal.

Thank you so much for considering supporting my campaign. Your generosity means the world to me!

Warm regards,


$50.00 or more
Thank you for helping to support me!
March, 2025
Estimated Delivery
0 backers


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