Short Story

  1. I received an email five days ago, stating I was given a conditional acceptance into the Cyprus International University. And the clause added stated to be fully accepted and able to process visa application, I would need to pay the sum of €1000. My scholarship and admission depends on this amount I’m unable to raise and nobody I know.
Cyprus, Cyprus

Financial Assistance for School

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $10,000.00
Minimum amount is $50 Maximum amount is $1000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hi guys, my name is Anne. I have a dream of furthering my education overseas, ever since I was 10 years old about to enter highschool. After much wait and expectations the dream started to look real three years ago. I wrote my first international exam with the help of a sponsor from my highschool and passed above average. Started working on applications, even dreaming of attending Stanford (a very prestigious selective school). What can I say I dream big. I was not only stupidly confident, but I made the grades required to back my claim, but no one believed in my “outrageous” dreams (their words not mine). Nobody thought I could make it that far. “It’s a long shot”, they all said or thought or believed. I knew it was more than possible. After graduating highschool at the age of 16, I have not seen what it’s like to take on responsibility by picking up numerous temporary, low-paying jobs that don’t require a degree. And realizing not only people in my country, but around the world are more likely to take a chance on those who have a certificate of University completion (even irrelevant to the position of hiring) more so than a teenager who may be more knowledgeable and willing. We’re not good applicants, they keep reminding me.

Year after year I had to put my faith in other people (external sponsors) who had the financial capacity to help me achieve my dreams, even though they thought my dreams invalid. However, these people have finally let me down after my last trial to school in America which fell through once my Visa was denied, the very first and last attempt. What can I say, my parents are incapable of providing and supporting my dreams at the moment due to their current financial and health strain, that is all can say without getting into another story entirely.

I want to receive proper education no matter how long it takes me and see the world outside of my country. And now my eyes are set on schooling in Cyprus International University. Not my first choice but a chance to redefine my purpose, be an independent person who others can rely on and reach further from the sky as I used to believe possible.

Thank you for reading this to the end. Any contribution to this cause would be greatly appreciated.


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