Short Story

Hello. I hope you have time to read my story below. Thank you and bless you.

, Philippines

Make a single mom feel she is not alone

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
27 Days Left
Goal: $10,400.00
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hello, I am a single mom to one daughter. I got separated to his father who is not able to provide or at least help with our needs.

I am an artist by profession & I sell clothes as a side hustle. My daughter & I help each other, she tries to sell her digital art but both our sales had been scarce.

As a result, I am $5000 (PHP250,000) in debt, inorder to provide for education & our medical needs & other needs as well. From this month, until my daughter graduates, we would need around $5400 (PHP270,000).

I am just taking my chance here. I have been trying my best but my best is not fruitful. If anyoe could extend a helping hand even through small amounts from different people, we would really appreciate it.

Thank you for reading my missive & may God bless you.






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