Short Story

Rent money is needed while I wait for another job.

Alicante, Spain

Emergency rent needed while i wait for another day job

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $300.00
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I am a musician (pianist) who was part of a band in Barcelona. We had some gigs here and there during the summer but now that the summer has ended, there were no more gigs as we mostly played at beaches and open-air shows. The other members of the band went back to their regular jobs, while I being new in Spain was left with no alternative income. Recently a friend told me that I can move to Alicante and get jobs that pay daily. I used my savings to relocate and I did manage to get a job recently that paid. However, what was paid cannot cover my current rent which is due in less than a week. While I wait for another job to show up, I need rent money to avoid being evicted from the room that I rent. So here I am asking that you please donate what you can to rescue me from this eviction that I will be facing in a few days.


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