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, United States (US)

Broken Granny-not just broke, broken 💔

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Goal: $15,000.00
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OMG, I have, now, lost my story twice, I am anything, but technically savvy.  I came across begslist on YouTube. Oh my gosh, I’m begging and embarrassed. Please, continue reading. My daughter, myself and my five grandchildren, need your help.  We are in two difficult situations.  My stressors are my car and living situation. Kia and Tik Tok have really messed my car situation up. My Kia Soul was destroyed, in three different attempted thefts. After putting in three different insurance claims, my insurance provider said, see ya. Then, stupid me, left my car key in my apartment door and my car was stolen. Just a reminder, I live in a horrendous area of Phoenix, Arizona. I have an insurance claim that I wish I could just drop, and have my car fixed on my own. I do not want to risk losing this insurance provider. I have only had them for three months. Surprisingly enough, the damages are not severe, but replacing interior parts and fixing up some body damage, cost a lot of money.  The next situation is a housing situation.  Me and one grandchild live in a place, in which, we are dependent on government funds.  The people who distribute the funds are abusive and neglectful, that is why we are still living in the trash we are living it.  The ideal situation would be for me, my daughter, and my five grandchildren to live under one roof. We’ve done it before, but it’s been over 10 years.  All those babies, that were, running around, are all teenagers now.  We are in need of moving, and move in cost. We want to rent a house, where we can all live together. We are now divided up, between three different places. Living together, would be a solution to our financial and emotional needs.  Even the kids are willing to put money toward the bills. My daughter has been in recovery for five months.  She’s on her way to a lifetime of recovery.  In the meantime, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and her son, my grandchild, was born with a terminal illness. Please, don’t think I’m using their unfortunate health to get people’s sympathy or money. It’s our reality.  So, we need $7000.00 or $8,000, more, to buy a newish kind of car that is suitable for our family.  Please, don’t get me wrong, we’re not looking for anything fancy.  We probably won’t even be able to buy something that fits the whole family, but that’s just fine. We will manage. We will probably need $4000.00 or $5,000.00 to move into a rental.  My daughter works full time, and I have my social security disability check that I can help out with. Again, the five teenagers are even willing to put money toward the bills.  I am hoping to reach people who have, once, been in a similar situation. Well, that’s our situation and we are praying for the best.


Melody “Granny”


$15,000.00 or more
0 backers


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