Short Story

The strategy is only for gbpjpy pairs . I check rejection candlestick on 30 mins and 1hr time frame once there is alignment I zoom it does not fail me I don’t need to check US news but I guide my trade with good stop loss most of the time the stop loss is just a toy .

There is also a calculation I do on daily basis to know the direction of the pairs .


Lagos, Nigeria

Begging for fund to showcase my strategy on forex trading.

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $3,000.00
Minimum amount is $3000 Maximum amount is $6000
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I have studied a particular currency pairs that is not always affected US news , the currency is gbpjpy, it took me 2 years to understand its movements and thereby I develop a strategy to trade this pairs with just only 10/20pips and it doesn’t fail depending on daily market direction.

What I used is simply rejection candlestick and also gap level based on 30mins and 1hr time frame depending if the trade is upside or downside.

I only need $3000 to get my daily target .

If I am been supported I will like to help other people that are interested in my project of forex trading using same strategy.

I will also support a local evangelism  in my locality with part of the proceed , and help my daughter with HbSs ailments.

I don’t need too much money because the strategy will provide that excess as we grow it on Monday to Friday trading days .



$100.00 or more
To return back the 3000usd once I have make a proceed of same amount give so that others can be helped
November, 2024
Estimated Delivery
0 backers
1 rewards left


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