Basement of rock bottom

Below is the shortest I could do about my story/ journey on what has lead me to my current situation, really there is far more to tell. Currently we are out of work, lost our car, everything in our now tiny home is falling apart, almost out of food, out of dog food, all our clothes are in terrible condition and shoes, we need help, I’ve search everywhere. Thank you.
~Hello,my name is Jessica, I am 33 years old and have two sons. In the last 4 years I have lost everything not once but twice. I got pregnant and married at age 16, had my son at 17, finished 10th grade, got my ged right away and went straight into college for my medical assistant degree. Finished and went right to work. My ex husband was in the army, ended up going awol, we moved to az where life was tough for me, constant moving, abuse, cheating. I then had my second son, from there the same lifestyle of always moving, being left alone to provide for kids alone. I always continued to work, made sure my kids had everything they needed and wanted. My ex shortly after got himself arrested on sex offender charges, I left him and was raising my boys alone
Again, he had came back into our life’s after deemed safe by psychology for the
Boys sake but never seemed to get better with us, until a brief period
Where after 13 years together we finally purchased our first home, but that lasted a year before I had enough and finally ended things and asked for divorce. That same day my ex half brother messaged and asked if he could join me that night at the bar, never before had him and I thought about eachother in that way but from that night we were inseparable. I divorced my ex and began a relationship with Joe. After a short while he proposed and we decided that we wanted to sell my house and move to North Carolina, where he was from. We sold fast, packed a uhaul and a rental car, it was us two , my two teenage boys, a large blood hound and pit bull and a rabbit, and we headed east. Had some job acceptance letters, I had worked so hard to build my credit up to buy my first home that when I sold it we used that money to move, pay off debts completely and use rest on down payment for new.
We quickly realized that we did that at a terrible housing market time, every single house we bid on was out bid by cash offers, ultimately causing us to rent airbnb, and run very very low
On cash and we switched gears to find a rental but that was just as hard as buying, and finally had to make a choice and ended up in Saluda, SC instead of NC. Soon after moving into a slum lord situation I started to get very very sick, and it was soon realized the house was completely full underneath of black mold, we had to leave and fast, and decided to come back to Arizona where family is. We came back,but I was still
Sick, lots of doctor appointments and finally was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder, IGg4 RD, I got my old
Job back, him and I got married, and then after a year of being back we decided to try again but this time just us two, we would
Leave the kids with there dad and grandparents until we got settled, everyone was for it and I got a great job offer in Wilmington , NC right on the beach. Had been in contact, many interviews with them, had an offer letter. Then to get there and realize I had been scammed. So we had to make a choice and decide to stay and find something else and we moved into his brothers trailer in Thomasville,NC. We slept on a bed meant for a small infant, in a loud, very freezing cold,no heat, drugs everywhere home and we knew we had to get out and fast. My
Spouse got a job climbing trees, it was great but our daily income went straight to renting airbnb and hotels. My credit by now had been destroyed again so I couldn’t, we didn’t qualify for rentals because didn’t have a paystub or enough of a record of pay there. We where then presented a opportunity of a lifetime from a tree customer that we should have realized it was too good to be true, he wanted us to do his home floors, epoxy, and a whole remodel on his millionaire home. Left the trees, this man had us get a business license, which we did, Diamond Edge Concrete coatings llc. Things were smooth and great at first, he got all the supplies, but what got us from the start of that was he wouldn’t pay a deposit. So after so many days on job he would bring some cash here and there which again went to airbnb and hotel, not
Able to save or get ahead or get anything really. Eventually we realized this
Man had I’ll
Intentions and was screwing us over big
Time. Caused a big issue in our
Marriage, and caused my car(my baby) a massive amount of wear and tear. We ended that job and still technically “homeless” living out of car, everything still back in AZ, things became dire and I found a lady who I asked if we could barter for a room for Easter eve like if we cleaned the airbnb before we left if she would discount. She did, and turned out this woman was a well known author and celebrity. We discussed a linger term agreement , reduced fees for work and room. It seemed like was going to be good fit at first until this lady had no interest in helping us , she had a rap
Sheet of small
Businesses and handyman that she would get a little work from
And then fire and sue. That ended and we were left homeless. Slept an Easter day in a church parking lot. At this point , no money, car tires bald ,no where to go, defeated. Couldn’t trust anyone anymore, between both moves to NC we
Spent in all together between hotel and airbnb costs roughly $35k !! we considered going back to AZ again even though we truly did not want to go, I reached out to my doctor I worked with before as she was like a second mom to
Me, she offered a deal on a camper she would gift us , it was in rough shape and as we remodeled it we could stay in there nice camper. Seemed like a good bet as we could get a truck one day and just pull our home back to NC where we want to be, I never thought she of all people would do this to me, but we went back to AZ, the camper was given to us but terrible, rat poo everywhere, no water , hot. And the offer to stay in the nice one while remodel was taking back. So we stayed in this terrible camper and tried to stay positive and remodel it but it was truly unlivable and definitely not safe for someone like myself. We ended up getting blessed by my grandmother who helped us to purchase a rv park model tiny home. And soon after moved in. Still we did not want to be in AZ , defeated after trying twice NC was out of reach and had cost us thousands of dollars, my spouse got a job and I myself had started applying to after finally being able to get my infusions and feeling better. But was having terrible luck. My spouse mental health started to decline and shortly after moving back he had a suicide attempt. I then was able to get hired on somewhere but of course was taking forever and wouldn’t see a paycheck for awhile. We had one vehicle, which was very difficult in NC as everything is so far apart but here it aims difficult if one’s working or both and most all
My medical doctors appointment which include several specialist are all 2 hour drive away. Because of everything going on with moving, trying to secure jobs and paystubs, debt piling up, my car payment went past due, and after trying to work with them several times and rates increased we were unable to pay. I started working with a lab roughly two weeks ago, and today 9/18, was advised they couldn’t hire me because of my background check, I advised I had a clean record , but turns out there is something there that I am unaware of, I got sent home and lost the job, and continue to battle the pending charges that are not mine. By now everything is falling apart, the car, the kids, the jobs, the new place, and now my marriage again and we have decided to divorce, which leave me now with two boys figuring out this thing we all call
Life. After getting home on 9/18 from being I guess fired, I had a notice on my door from the repo man to call. They will now be coming to pick my car up for repossession on Friday 9/20. Never have I felt so defeated and unable to get ahead, my credit is a mess, many debts and I have decided I need to probably prepare to file for bankruptcy. I have a bit of a long long story that really I didn’t even tell here in this post. Most people won’t believe my story, or some of the things I’ve been through because truly it can seem false. But I promises you that I lived it and am living it ten times over now today. We would be forever grateful for anything. Our goal is to buy a home in North Carolina, I won’t give up, we need help achieving this goal, as now not even a car to get there let alone credit or money. Thank you!!
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dmark44001 –
Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. or +1 786-632-6715