Short Story

Help me stay afloat my family

Churachandpur, manipur, India

A desparate father’s plea

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
17 Days Left
Goal: $15,000.00
Minimum amount is $5000 Maximum amount is $20000
4 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Iam labour with small wages working in a construction.A ethnic conflicts in my home state has made living very miserable. I have been struggling to provide my family’s needs but due to my wages it is hard to find my family smile. Sometimes I am unable to put a food on the table and that makes me sad and lose hope.
I have no other way but beg for help.
May God bless who read my desperate story and give them a kind heart.So that me and my family start a new life with hope and beautiful smiles.
Thank you


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