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Please help me to pay back my loans.

Gampaha, Sri Lanka

I need money for my financial problems

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Goal: $5,000.00
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My name is Hashan karunathilaka.I’m 30 years old and married.I have a small kid of 1 year old.I have got loans from banks and borrowed money from my friends.Now I don’t have money to pay back.I am the only person doing a job in my family and my monthly income is not enough to do the requirements of my family.Now the bank and my friends asking money from me and I am in a very bad situation to pay back.Please be kind enough to help me with the money

2 reviews for I need money for my financial problems


    I saw your post about needing some help, and I’d like to offer my support. Could you please share your contact information so we can discuss how I can assist you directly? Looking forward to connecting.

  2. hashankarunathilaka2

    Dear sir thank you very much for your comment.My email address is [email protected] and my WhatsApp number and phone number is +94 779769909. Your help will very much appreciated

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