Rebuild My Life
My name is Glynn Gaston, but I go by Lenz Krafta as an aspiring film maker.
I have accomplished a few cool things in life like being married once and raising a family.
I also completed a film and television school program that has allowed me to work on a few film projects created by other filmmakers.
I mostly recently helped create a film as co producer and assistant director called “Bullets N Love” which is being showcased on “Tubi”, “Xumoplay”, and “TVEI”.
I’m am very proud of what I have accomplished in my 49 years thus far on this planet, but with these accomplishments have also been many hardships, failures, sacrifices and painful lessons.
I have 2 29 yr old stepsons, a 26 yr old biological son, and a 16 yr old biological son from my first marriage.
I move to Atlanta in 2014 from Detroit,MI with a friend who asked me to start a film company with him to actually risk it all to pursue my dreams in film.
We had already started a project prior to moving to Atlanta that we continued on with in Atlanta, etc
During that time my then wife and I were already struggling to make it work, but I asked her to move up there with the kids to try and make it work in a new environment.
We tried to, but it still didn’t work out,so we separated and everything went downhill for me from there.
Though it was a mutual agreement to separate it tore me up inside.I felt like a failure, lost my then job eventually, got into heavy drugs and alcohol, etc.
Overcame some of the depression when I connected with a new friend I had met at a car dealership a few yrs before my separation who now had his own transportation company.
He had some work for me that allowed me to transport cars all over the United States.
Traveling on the road was my sanctuary period of redemption.
I never cried so much in my life, never repented so much in my life, said I was sorry for being a failure so much in my life.
It was a the greatest internal cleansing moment I had ever experienced.
During that time I was staying with some people I had met during my separation from my wife, when ever I was not in the road.
There was a young lady who I met one day who was over there with the nephew of the main friend who invited me to stay there.
We became friends as during that time of my separation. She was in a toxic relationship with the nephew and their relationship didn’t last.
So we start showing interest in each other and then became a couple after a while which brought forth my first daughter.
My daughters mother also has a 13 yr old daughter as of recent and a 12 yr old son, but when I met them the daughter was 9 and the son was 8.
They instantly became my new step kids and now call me dad.
Well that relationship became increasingly toxic due to drugs and alcohol as well as the young lady being quite the narcissist.
All the healing I had been through over my first wife had crumbled and I was back to ground zero.All my credit I had build up, credit cards I was able get now was my new debt and maxed out from using them to service.
I said enough is enough I’m going to go back to Michigan to regroup and get myself together and in the process get a film done to get back to my dreams.
I did that in 2023 and during that time the mother of my daughter got involved with another guy after convincing me she was going to get things together as well until I return a few months later.
My heart was torn to pieces again, but I stayed the course, completed the film and came back Atlanta to see my daughter that I had been away from for months and to see what was really going on.
Was heartbroken to see that my daughters mother was in an entire new relationship.
But I needed to see and be with my daughter.So I endured the pain and just made sure there was no confusion to my daughter who her dad really is.
I tried to reconcile with her mother which I believe was possible, but was just used and abused by her and continued to be drained of my positive energy.
I gather my strength to do as well as I could again working hard to maintain and provide for my young children and myself.
Ultimately it got to hard so here I find myself back home in Michigan again for my final transition into greatness.
The greatness that I am destined for and being forged into by my challenges.
Through it all I have been working my tail off to rebuild. I recently have been using a rental to continue to do ride-sharing and that comes with it’s challenges expense wise , but I have maintained.
Recently I got approved to finance my own vehicle and finally move away from the more expensive car renting, but not without one more challenge.
That challenge is that I could not generate the down payment money needed to secure the vehicle that I was approved for, because a weird event has taken place which cause me to have to make a police report.
My rental ended up with a bullet while in it while I was sleeping , I have to return rental so I have no way to earn my down payment of $1000 to secure my blessing from all my stressing.
Through it all I still have faith that God is working it all out for me as I continue to grow into the best version of myself and who he has destined me to be.
Im just reaching out for a little help. I have always been the one doing for others more than I do for myself and now it’s time for me to love myself again.
If anyone can help me finish my journey to complete my dreams it would mean so much to me and will help me overcome.
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