Short Story



I’m reaching out desperately for support.


We live on a property in Lenswood. We are struggling with financial hardship.


We have a bore on our property that supplies water to our bathroom and garden. Unfortunately our bore pipes are leaking. This is an emergency situation for sanitisation etc as we do not have running water to our toilet.


We have absolutely no money to fix it and no way of borrowing any money. At the moment the only way to flush the toilet is with a bucket of water.


My husband has taken a job working away to bring in more income. I have health issues that has prevented me from working. The bore repair will cost a lot to fix and we see no way in the future to be able to afford to fix it.


Does the Hills Christian Community provide grants that could support us with the bore repair?


I have had to start a go fund me page as well, although reluctant as I find it difficult to ask for help from these sort of avenues. I have a strong Christian Faith and know God is our provider, that is why I’m reaching out to the Christian Community.




Thank you so much for considering my email as we are in desperate need of help.


Warm regards

Jacqui Allen



Lenswood, Australia

Emergency situation

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $50,000.00
Minimum amount is $25000 Maximum amount is $50000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


G’day All,

I’m reaching out desperately for help and support.

We live on a property in Lenswood, South Australia. We are struggling with severe financial hardship.

We have what is known as a bore that supplies our property with our water supply. Unfortunately, our bore pipes are leaking, resulting in us not being able to have water to our home or for our animals. More importantly, we live in a bush fire zone and the bore tank water is needed to fight fires. If a bush fire was to break out, we’d have no way of putting out the fire because we have no water.  This is an emergency for fire prevention, also for sanitization on our property because we have no water to the bathroom. We have to collect water in a bucket to flush the toilet.

We have absolutely no money to fix it and no way of borrowing any money.

My husband has taken a job working away to bring in more income. I have health issues that has prevented me from working. The bore repair will cost a lot to fix, and we see no way in the future to be able to afford to fix it.

I absolutely hate asking for help, but I see no way out of this financial crisis without begging for help. This, as an avenue to seek help is very foreign to us but we have to swallow our pride to get help for this as we are desperate.

I have a strong Christian Faith and know God is our provider, that is why I’m reaching out and praying for your donations. We are also big on paying everything forward, so if we get back on our feet with this we will support others in the future as God would will us to do.

Thank you so much for considering our circumstances and would be grateful for any donation you can afford. We have an approximate repair quote of $50,000. AUD. To us that is so much money and not within our scope to ever be able to pay that amount for repairs.

Please, please, please help us.

Warm regards

Jacqui Allen




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