Short Story

  • Working mom who cannot pay bills. Took multiple loans and credit cards to help, but it put me deeper in the hole. I’m living in rock bottom financially right now.
United States, United States (US)

Working mom struggling

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Goal: $5,000.00
Minimum amount is $100 Maximum amount is $5000
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  • I am new to doing this as I never want to ask for help, but I need it. I am a working mom and cannot make ends meet. I have $1000’s in medical bills and even more in loans to try and stay on top. However, this just made me deeper in the hole. My bank account is current withdrawn over $300 and at this moment I owe over $1200 in bills, including my house. I am asking for kindness, humanity and compassion. We all need help sometimes. I guess it’s my time.


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