Short Story

Chronically ill, 2 months relapse with 2 rare autoimmune diseases facing homelessness. Due to being unable to work and in and out of the hospital I need help with part of my rent.

Massachusetts, United States (US)

Two rare illnesses and facing homelessness

$0.00 Pledged
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Goal: $700.00
Minimum amount is $700 Maximum amount is $
By Sarah
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


My name is Sarah and I was diagnosed with two rare illnesses last year. I had been doing amazing for quite some time but the last two months have been a downward spiral. I have been back to back sick for two months with double pnuemonia, kidney infections, bronchitis which triggered my two autoimmune diseases. I have not been able to work due to recovering and am facing homelessness. I have part of the rent needed and would be forever greatful for help with the rest. When I am well, I work fulltime and go to school fulltime and want to get back to the place I can do that while having a safe place to recover. 🩵20240430 132111


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