Short Story

  1. I want to buy a surron 🙂
Netherlands!!, Netherlands

Surron or talaria

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
113 Days Left
Goal: $4,000.00
By Ike
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hello anyone who will see this! My name is ike i am just turned 16 and am working since im 13 i have been saving for 2 years for a surron but i still only have around 800 becuase at one point my bicycle broke so i had to repair it but then it broke again and had tl buy a 2nd hand one if anyone donates i will be soo sooo happy if you are still reading thanks for your time and have a great day!! 😛


$4,000.00 or more
I dont know what they mean by this sorry
December, 2024
Estimated Delivery
0 backers
1 rewards left


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