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Need some small donations to help keep my home.

Belfast,Northern ireland, United Kingdom (UK)

Small donations to a mummy in Ireland to keep our special needs home 🙏

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10 Days Left
Goal: $15,000.00
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $15000
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Dia Duit from Eire ☘️

I am in dire need of small donations if anyone could help I would be forever in your debt.

I am a mother of 3 young children, all have medical and additional needs and living in a 2 bedroom home in the north of Ireland, which I mortgaged when finances were better before I had children.

Unfortunately due to medical needs I had to drop hours at work and go part time. This combined with a few dire financial situations over the years I have accumulated nearly £15,000 in debt with nothing to show for it except well cared for and loved children. We don’t overspend or buy fancy things. It’s literally accumulated on food shops and energy bills.

My mortgage is up for renewal and the bank have said I need to clear my debt in order for them to renew it or go on an interest only rate which will cost me £673 per month,just in interest. With only 12 years left on my mortgage and £117,000 left on the house (it’s worth £132,000) this is not an option.

I have a specialist lender ready to go with a new decision in principle to extend it to 20 years and an affordable repayment strategy.

I can provide all proof and documentationfifa anyone was willing to help with small amounts to help me try to clear this credit card debt.

I cannot move my children from the home that is set up for their needs, the home they’ve been in all their lives and that is close to our family support network which I badly need in order for me to keep working.

It’s a very modest home and I currently sleep in the living room,giving the bedrooms up for the children. I’m happy to do this because they are so content here, as am I.

Please, if anyone who reads this has any spare pennies,pounds,dollars you would be helping to change the direction our lives are going.


I am more than happy to pay anyone back in a few months once I can get my mortgage agreed and I can start to repay.


Please if your in any position to help, I beg you.


I cannot express how difficult this is to ask strangers, I have always been self sufficient and this is tearing my heart out to have to do this.



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