Short Story

I’ve lost it all. struggling desperately asking for assistance to get back on my feet again and to atleast have some food and maybe a pair of shoes and soap,washing powder ect basic necessary stuff to atleast look presentable say by God’s af grace I do get an interview 🤞🤞

Vereeniging, gauteng province 1939, South Africa

Please help me get back on my feet IL be forever greatfull

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
5 Days Left
Goal: $3,000.00
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hello everyone I’m wentzel Muller from South Africa,age 35, I had hit rock bottom completely. I literally have 29 days left before I’m homeless and on the street to add insult to injury my wife of a 16 year relationship up and left me for another man she took my boys 5 and 9 with her and last year 2024 I lost my mother, I have lost all my so called friends other family members have their own drama and can’t help. I don’t even have food I go out every day recycling I’m lucky if I make 13 rand a day equal to 1 dollar plus minus. People are very smug here and pre judge others it’s difficult as hell I’m contemplating on ending it all but I’m scared and I don’t want to die but I just feel it could be better and faster than slowly deteriorating in a field or empty parking lot worse is to become a thief, liar and or junky. Having to sell my body or get forcefully taken advantage of ect I’m realy trieng hard from online jobs to giving out CVS if I have money my to spare its already like 9 rand for 4 pages I need to photo copy each time by the internet cafés, I’m wiling to chat with you live over a video call so I can show you I’m being honest and not just taking chances I would like to start a business like a street vending business, food always sell main isue is a fridge but for now it’s the least of my worries my rent alone is 1700 rand so I’m literally screwed this is a very desperate plea for assistance if it’s possible. Believe me I know the economy is tight, I couldn’t even give or do anything to even get my 2 boys cristmas presents last year I spent crismas alone and depressed new years eve the same look I’m not fishing for sympathy or trieng to play with your heart  strings ect I feel humiliated enough for even stooping this low, I have no choice but to ask, please🤦🙏😔have a great day yours truly wentzel Muller


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