Short Story

Hello everyone my name is Kaleb hatfield and I am in desperate need of financial help i made some bad choices for the wrong people some years ago and im still paying for them my credit has been destroyed and iv lost everything i hate to ask like this but i dont know what else to do i just need someone to give me a chance the money im asking for will go to clear my debts get me into a new home (preferably an RV or converted van) that would best suit my dream of the mobile lifestyle i know how to get back on the path i want to be on but I just can’t do it alone anyone intrested in helping me ill be more than happy to give my full story to and all the progress I make with the generous donations of good people with alittle more to give than I do please help me

California, United States (US)

Need a hand up homeless veteran doing his best

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $80,000.00
Minimum amount is $50000 Maximum amount is $100000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hello everyone my name is Kaleb hatfield and I am in desperate need of financial help i made some bad choices for the wrong people some years ago and im still paying for them my credit has been destroyed and iv lost everything i hate to ask like this but i dont know what else to do i just need someone to give me a chance the money im asking for will go to clear my debts get me into a new home (preferably an RV or converted van) that would best suit my dream of the mobile lifestyle i know how to get back on the path i want to be on but I just can’t do it alone anyone intrested in helping me ill be more than happy to give my full story to and all the progress I make with the generous donations of good people with alittle more to give than I do please help me 17284373560416743192754508717755


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