Short Story

Abandoned, just need help to save my belongings and get onu feet.

Lafayette, Co, United States (US)

My husband abandoned me after my stay in ICU that ended with a lifelong illness diagnosis.

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to view my post.

I am a 59 YO woman recently hospitalized and diagnosed with severe COPD after I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance with Acute Respiratory Failure and spent 10 days in ICU. After being home for a few weeks and still trying to regain my strength I went to my daughter’s for the weekend to help with my grandson. The second day I was unable to locate my husband and reported him missing. The sheriff’s deputy located him at which time he sent me a text saying he was tired of Colorado and gone heading to the west coast to live near his son, without me. We were married 11 years and it was horrible but leaving me like that was just one of many abuses I suffered in that relationship. He put my belongings in our storage, took his things, our only vehicle, my dog and ALL of our money. I had only taken a few items for the weekend and was wearing my slippers lol so I don’t even have a jacket or a pair of shoes I can get to. My dentures are locked in storage as well so I’m terribly embarrassed to even go out to the doctor.

He hasn’t spoken to me since other than by text. He took the key to storage and said he’d mail it and pay the bill but neither happened.  I’m now about to lose what few possessions I have left, due to go to auction this week. I’m going to call and explain my circumstances and see if they will allow me any more grace under these circumstances, as I just found out Friday that it wasn’t paid and in danger of being auctioned. The worst thing is my dentures are locked in there!!inbound2312922156000932670

I’m on oxygen 24/7 for life now so I’m unable to work outside the home now. I eventually would like to get a PC and a work from home job that will supplement my disability income I applied for in July of this year. My doctor has assured me I am 100% eligible for disability so now it’s just a matter of waiting on the process which takes 200 to 230 days according to the SSA. IF I can just get some help to save my things, then maybe help to get a computer for a job,  I’d be forever grateful and sure to pay forward once I get things in order in the coming months.

I worked for nearly 35 years in the same industry but unfortunately not a trade that comes with any kind of pension and I can’t get any help at a local level other than $291 in Food benefits which is barely enough to sustain one person. I’m currently stranded at my daughter’s and that would be fine if only she wasn’t in subsidized housing so I’m not allowed to live here permanently. She has a family and they are barely getting by and now having to put me up, take me to multiple Dr appointments each month and buy all of my personal needs such as toiletries and my necessary over the counter medical needs. I just want to be able to sustain until I can start receiving benefits that I worked for all of my life then eventually get into an inexpensive mobile home maybe.

Something small with a small yard. Something I can handle that will keep me busy and allow me to enjoy a yard and maybe a small vegetable garden. I also have severe artritis and am in the verge of needing my left hip replaced. My daughter lives in a third floor apartment with no elevator so I’m trapped in here, only able to tough those steps out to go to Doctor appointments at this time. Winter is almost here and those steps will be even more dangerous to me in my condition. Please, let there be an angel out there willing to see my character and trust in me that I will improve my situation with the right actions as I’m able. I am a very nice person I’ve never hurt anyone and I just can’t understand how a human can treat another as the man I committed myself to for life has treated me. I just need a little jump start to change my course and heal from all of this

Thank you so much for hearing my story and please have faith in me enough to help. I promise you there’s not one bad bone in my body or a mean thought in my mind. 8 certainly did not deserve this devastation.



$10.00 or more
October, 2024
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1 review for My husband abandoned me after my stay in ICU that ended with a lifelong illness diagnosis.

  1. dmark44001

    Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. [email protected] or +1 786-632-6715

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