Short Story
Looking to raise funds to get My shadow Oliver to the veterinarian Immediately, he has been sick for a bit of time and really needs to go. We have been dealing with the issue on and off for over a year and currently I am not working and unable to provide him the preventative medication, which is what I am asking for assistance with and to get him well again last time he became this ill he was diagnosed with tapeworm, and the store-bought dewormer was not the proper kind so he was required to go to the vet, which they tried an injection that did not work as well . So we had to go back again for a different treatment. I appreciate any help that you’re able to help us out with our situation !
My fur baby needs help PLEASE
Oli needs to see the vet ……. AGAIN
I found Oliver on craigslist I had been looking for a puppy since I was living alone. I just started looking at the dogs that were listed. I had no intentions of picking one out at that time. I wanted to see what type of breed I’d want since I had fostered and was involved with a rescue for pitbull pups. I knew I had wanted a smaller dog this time,and a female .. that was all!
However, when I got there to look at the dogs, he was the only one left only 2 1/2 weeks old and still had his eyes closed. The lady said I had to take him that day and I didn’t want him. Someone else would take him and I got worried that he may not be taken care of properly. I asked if I could pay her extra to keep him with his mom and she said no.. so I paid her left. We went to the pet store and got everything needed for him and a few goodies to cuddle with!
Oliver and I have been inseparable since if you see me chances are he’s with me too shopping walk car rides we’re always together! He has such personality too. He gets his zoomies every time. He loves to eat cheesecake and cheeseburgers when he’s allowed to! Oh, and ice cream cake for my birthday one year he got to sit at the table and have ice cream cake too!
This year has been very rough for us. I moved back into my mom‘s to help with the care of my disabled adult little brother as well as my stepdad who is a Vietnam veteran who worked for the government 33 years and has been diagnosed with dementia and is rapidly declining.
Upon moving back in to my moms, there was an issue with parasites so I was going back-and-forth with Oliver to the vets office and spending so much to get him well again I became ill and so has everyone else in the home and I’ve been unable to work now, most of the year And the doctor still don’t know what it is .
This is the reason I have come here now … Oli is sick again and needs to be seen, however I have run out of savings . I won’t be able to get him to an office until I begin making an income again. I have been applying for work . I’m not supposed to work at this time do to one of the issues ,but I can not stand to see him suffer as he is.
We also had a car accident in July that has made it on able to get him to the low-cost care clinic, which is where I had been taking him for his preventative medication’s testing, etc.
There is a vets office close to us that I would be able to walk into, but the cost is more. If we raise enough, I can bring him there. If not, I’d still need to come up with the funding to get us there and back (Uber is approximately $60 one way) he can no longer jump up on the bed and needs to be picked up. His back is swollen and he whimpers when you cut him. He’s constantly scratching and can’t get any rest.. I’ve given him numerous baths brushes, different treatments that I can do and nothing is helping him. I’ve given him the dewormers from the store because that’s all I could provide for him at this time, but those are not working. So I needed to reach out and try to see if I could receive any help. Since our town was hit with hurricanes recently, I know the rescues are overwhelmed.
This is what I’ve spent at the two offices Number is the lowest amount I’ve spent when I’ve been there and then the other is the most money that I’ve spent at that place . he would go to either gladly if we’re able to raise these funds for him
– low cost office – $250-$450/$490
-nearby vet office- $450-$1,200
I am hoping that we’d be able to raise approximately 500 to cover any testing that would be required along with his preventative flea and tick Bravecto and dewormer if needed . Also our transportation if needing to go to the low cost clinic an hour away .
We so appreciate any help you are able to give and are so so thankful for you!
My only other option should this not work out is that I will try to find him a new home with somebody who is able to provide the proper treatment and care for him at this time that is not what I would like to, but I’d rather do that then see him suffer any longer. Oli is going to be 10 years old in March ,on the 28th
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Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. [email protected] or +1 786-632-6715