Short Story

Ill admit I’m begging for money, I’m happy with any amount given. I do have cashapp or Paypal if it ever come down to needing that for donation. And thank you to those who reading and willing to help <3.

, United States (US)

Just a poor Girl needing some little help.

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $1,000.00
Minimum amount is $10.00 Maximum amount is $500.00
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Yes i know I’m begging, time been rough I’m running low on options. If anyone willing to donate some funds to help me start up ill be grateful. I done tons of job applications and no one willing to except me for a work at home job.  I’m running low on resources and bills are constantly racking up I’m in desperate need for kindness. 


I’m pretty sure this wont do much but I’m willing to be hopeful that some one willing to read my post and help out. To those that even read this i still appreciate you giving your time to read this post. To help me or not i still thank you.


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