Short Story

I recently left a toxic job and am actively searching for work. While staying hopeful, I’m facing financial challenges, especially with essentials like food. Any support during this tough time would mean the world to me as I work toward stability.

I’m facing difficulties with money for food at the moment.

$0.00 Pledged
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Goal: $50.00
Minimum amount is $50.00 Maximum amount is $-1
By maxrmpg
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I recently left my job due to unprofessionalism and a toxic work environment that was affecting my mental health. Right now, I am actively searching for new opportunities and have applied to all local openings, though I haven’t heard back yet. I’m staying persistent and hopeful that something will work out soon so I can get back on my feet.

In the meantime, I am facing some financial challenges, particularly when it comes to essentials like food. Any support during this tough time would mean the world to me and help me keep going while I work toward a stable situation. Thank you so much for understanding. 💚


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