Short Story

I need a 40 gallon tank, moss, coconut substrate, a dock, humidity and temperature Guages, humidifier, crickets, mealworms, wax worms, hornworms, dried red shrimp, calcium powder, roaches (all these are for his diet btw).

Florida, United States (US)

I need help with my turtle

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $782.00
Minimum amount is $450 Maximum amount is $782
By Grey R
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


  1. Hey im a 16yr old boy and recently after 2 hurricanes hit florida a box turtle was displaced to my suburbs in the city, he is injured and will die in the wild, im taking care of him until atleast he heals but im hoping to keep him forever. However im a broke bitch and i only have a 10gallon tank, dirt snd a few lil tupperware containers for his enclosure when i need a 40 gallon tank, moss, coconut substrate, a dock, humidity and temperature Guages, humidifier, crickets, mealworms, wax worms, hornworms, dried red shrimp, calcium powder, roaches (all these are for his diet btw), he needs alot that i dont have

1 review for I need help with my turtle

  1. dmark44001

    Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. [email protected] or +1 786-632-6715

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