Short Story

I just  need help  paying  back  my credits and I am sorry  I have nothing  to give  in return but I truly  need your help

East Sepik provinces, Papua New Guinea

Help pay back my credit

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $55.00
Minimum amount is $35 Maximum amount is $58
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I got credit  from my friends cause I couldn’t   afford  to pay for my business fee and lunch at  school  so now I really  need your help to help  me  pay them back  there are demanding  for their money  back with interest  so I really  appreciate does of you who are  helping me out cause  I am trying  to afford for my self and paying  them back  and my parents  have suffered  enough   in trying to  pay for my school  fee and providing  home needs thank you


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