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Help me save our housing loan in pag-ibig fund here in Philippines we dont have home. please

Tanza Cavite, Philippines

Help me save our home not to pull out by the government

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Goal: $1,774.00
Minimum amount is $1000 Maximum amount is $2000
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Hi im a mom of 2 kids and a bread winner of our family 2 siblings are still studying as well as my mom is not working. Resulting of my delay payments of my housing loan in pag-ibig.

I received a call thru them saying our house we invest by paying monthly up to 30 years will be pull out or canceled due to 5 months arrears or delayed payments.

Hoping someone can help me recover or update my housing loan payment please. i will owe this so much. Please someone hp me out i can send you proof that our house wlill going to cancel unless i update the payment.


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