Short Story

a single mom trying to succeed in life without the financial burden of living paycheck to paycheck. I want to be able to focus on my children’s development and future success, but to actually have time to dedicate to my children instead of being forced to work 55 hour work weeks with one day off just to barely slide by.

Ive always loved flying and I’ve started my journey to become a pilot but it’s so expensive

Florida, United States (US)

Help me get my pilots license!

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
138 Days Left
Goal: $200,000.00
Minimum amount is $50000 Maximum amount is $2000000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I’m in the middle of going through a lengthy divorce in which I feel like I am getting the bad side of everything. I also recently got transferred to a different location at work which caused me to lose a good chunk of my weekly income. I have dedicated the last 17 years to my job and due to that I don’t have too many qualifications to transfer to a different employment opportunity that will grant me the same income I have now. I would love and be forever grateful to anyone who could assist me in being able to pay off my house so that that huge chunk of debt will not be a concern anymore and I can just focus on my kids well-being and future development. I’m also looking forward to making great new friends and developing business relationships to hopefully get me on a better track to financial success.

1 review for Help me get my pilots license!

  1. dmark44001

    Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. [email protected] or +1 786-632-6715

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