Short Story

My mission is to raise $1484 to purchase a new iPhone for my work which is content creation

Johannesburg, South Africa

Help Karabo Buy A New iPhone

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $1,484.00
This campaign has been invalid or not started yet.
By karabo
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Greetings Donor,

My name is Karabo Ratlhagane and my mission is to raise $1,484 to buy a new iPhone for content creation. I am currently unemployed and the iPhone will help me generate an income. I get products from Mumbox and Rubybox that I test and they need me to create content for the products. The phone I am currently using isn’t of good quality therefore I cannot shoot quality content for the brands. Furthermore, I would like to venture into photography in the next couple of weeks so I would also be using the phone for that.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my donation application. I also thank you in advance for your support which will be greatly appreciated.

Kindest regards,

Karabo Ratlhagane


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