Short Story

Arrears that simply cannot be cleared without help and a home office computer needing to be replaced that is the lifeline of keeping present employment.

London, Ontario, Canada

Get Franck back to Helping Others

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Goal: $12,000.00
Minimum amount is $9000 Maximum amount is $20000
3 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Our brother, Franck, has been struggling financially these last two years due to health and financial setbacks. Despite these setbacks, he is starting to get himself back on his feet. He now has two IT remote contracts and has begun tackling the mounting arrears. However, on his present income, it simply is not enough to clear them completely without help.

And now to add to his worries, his home office computer needs to be replaced… Something he cannot even deal with at the moment.

Any help will go a long way to getting Franck back where he can manage is daily expenses and deal with issues such as a computer that has more than run its course in over 10 years of service.


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