Short Story

$8,000 for bills

$15,000 for bills and debt combined

California, United States (US)

Down on my luck and need money

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $15,000.00
Minimum amount is $8000 Maximum amount is $15000
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns



My name is Matthew and I need some help. In 2022 my wife and I had a baby. The hospital bills were not covered by our insurance at the time because they had messed up with billing so we got stuck with the bill of 6K. Since that time we have had numerous things happen including job changes and child care becoming an issue because it is way too expensive now days. I have moved into EMS as a career and my wife is in 911 dispatching here in California which do not pay that much depending on where you start out. I love to help people whenever and wherever I can and that’s why I chose this path. We have credit card debt from not being paid during our parental leave, student loan debt from my wife trying to become a teacher, and loan debt to cover the gap of not being paid enough in this state. I am looking for someone to help us get back on our feet again so we are not in this revolving cycle of debt.


Matthew and Family


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