Short Story

In summary I am in a terrible financial situation and I can’t manage to pay my bills. I am so far behind that at this point, I’m not far from just wanting to leave it all and just cease to exist. I am desperate for a saviour and god to help me.

, Sweden

Desperate situation

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I’m $45000 in debt. Those are all personal loans that unfortunately was accumulated after my divorce a year ago. Purely from my ignorance, depression, therapy sessions and just poor money management. Now it has come to the point where all my income almost goes exclusively to pay loans and interest on this. Thus I am behind in the rent and two months worth of car payments and I have repossession companies chasing me for 4 bills… I really need to pay off $4650 to survive just this month and not get evicted.

I promise I can prove my shitty situation and I promise to make up for it somehow to you either through work, or in the future when I’m financially stable.

I just need my luck to turn, and if you will be my saviour here I will be forever grateful.

We can even sign a contract for financial reimbursement in the future. I am just desperate.

Kindest regards,


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