Short Story
I only have one son and he is struggling financially with student debt. He is almost 28 and has 20,000 cad in student debt. He finally got a job associated with his 4 year degree from University of Guelph.
I had promised to help him before I lost my business.
Please help me keep that promise to him and get him back on his feet.
Christina Robson.
child’s student debt/ single mom
I used to my own businesses in hairdressing the Toronto area. With covid I lost everything
I was even homeless for awhile in Windsor, Ontario and my family, friends and my son did not know.
I was so ashamed of my self and how bad things had gotten.
Originally I had promised 500 a month to help my son with his student debt.
He graduated from a 4 year degree at Guelph University in Child Youth and Family.
I am proud of him. He just could not get a job in his field. He was bartending and my biggest fear was that he would become an alcoholic like me.I have been diagnosed with Barrett’s Esophogas),pre cancer) I finally got the wake up call. My father,my brother and my sister have died from esophogeel Cancer. I am not drinking now or homeless but I let my son down. I could not give him 500 month.
Luckily he got a job a year ago with The YMCA in Nova Scotia. It only pays 28,000 cad a year but it is a start.
He still owes 20,000 cad
He is almost 28.
I was really hoping to get him out of the student debt because it is pretty stressful supporting yourself, paying rent and for a car that he needs for his job,not to mention food and clothing.
I really hope that someone can help him by giving him 20,000 cad. He volunteers at a soup kitchen in Nova Scotia. His job has been to help families from. Ukraine settle into the area. He also helps the kids get into school and sports programs
He is such a good young man
He has never gotten into any trouble.
Christina Robson.
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