44 yr old woman w breast cancer
Hi. My name is Sara. I am a 44 year old woman, I am homeless & I have breast cancer. I have no family to help me & I am desperate.
I was diagnosed 2years ago & I was only able to afford half of my chemotherapy & radiation before I was evicted from my home & have been on the streets ever since.
I try really hard to get housekeeping or yard work jobs in my area & no one will offer a woman money here for anything except sexual favors. I had my purse stolen while I was asleep so I have no ID, social security card, nothing. I am literally screwed. I am tired & in pain most of the time. I am at my wits end at this point & so I’m hoping this might work. I can’t even have my own cash app card because I have no ID so my cash app info will be my friends.
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mrsdgrcf2213 –
Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m Pastor Scott Debra, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. [email protected] or +13475417267