Short Story

I need 10,000 euros. I trust the universe, and I feel someone out there will help make this possible.


France, France

222 🧘🏽‍♀️

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $10,000.00
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1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Dear friends,

I’ve always believed that the universe listens to our deepest wishes, and today I’m sending out one of my own, hoping it reaches a kind and generous soul who might help make it come true.

Since I was a child, my teeth have been a source of embarrassment and insecurity. It’s something that has followed me into adulthood, affecting how I see myself and how I live. For years, I’ve been afraid to ask for help, but I’ve learned that sometimes, in order to receive, we must first be brave enough to ask.

So, today I’m asking. I need 10,000 euros to fix my teeth, to finally feel at peace with my smile. I’ve carried this burden for too long, and I’m ready for a change. I don’t know if this wish will be granted, but I trust that if I put it out into the world, the universe might respond in unexpected ways.

If you feel moved to help, whether in small or big ways, I would be forever grateful. Thank you for hearing my story and for any kindness you may offer.

With hope and gratitude,


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