Short Story

I am a 30 year old female desperately trying to save my home. My boyfriend and I purchased a home from a family friend ( payed him cash and began moving in before deed was signed) and we’ve been living here for 4months now based on said friends sole word that everything was fine… well when we went to go sign the deed I guess our friend was 3yrs behind on taxes and we are now facing the auction this August if we don’t come up with the money by next month!!! So what I learned was NEVER pay anyone up front no matter who they are GET IT IN WRITING FIRST and don’t trust anyone unless you see it for yourself when it comes to houses. Anyways this is my very first home and would so desperately not want to lose it I finally feel like I’ve reached adult hood and don’t want to disappoint my daddy. Please help me save my home!!! Thank you

Missouri, United States (US)

1st time homebuyer mistake

$0.00 Pledged
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11 Days Left
Goal: $4,000.00
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $4000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I am a 30 year old female desperately trying to save my home. My boyfriend and I purchased a home from a family friend ( payed him cash and began moving in before deed was signed) and we’ve been living here for 4months now based on said friends sole word that everything was fine… well when we went to go sign the deed I guess our friend was 3yrs behind on taxes and we are now facing the auction this August if we don’t come up with the money by next month!!! So what I learned was NEVER pay anyone up front no matter who they are GET IT IN WRITING FIRST and don’t trust anyone unless you see it for yourself when it comes to houses. Anyways this is my very first home and would so desperately not want to lose it I finally feel like I’ve reached adult hood and don’t want to disappoint my daddy. Please help me save my home!!! Thank you


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