About: idahobackroads
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- My name is Michelle and I am 54 years old. I began having problems grinding my teeth when I started college in 1995. I had three young children at the time and my husband had recently become disabled. Over 30 years later, I have severe teeth problems but can't afford the dentist to pull them and replace them with dentures. I have recently become disabled and have applied for disability. However, I am told it may take several years. In the meantime, my teeth are abscessing and crumbling. They have begun to constantly cause intense pain and there is nothing a medical doctor can do except give me antibiotics for the constant infections I get now. It costs $500 per cap and much more for X-rays, etc. Because I grind my teeth so badly, trying to save my teeth is prolonging the pain. Therefore, I need dentures to relieve the pain permanently. I was a social worker and dedicated myself to helping others. I know everyone needs help these days, but I hope someone can help me now. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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