Short Story

I am only 47-years-old and heartproblem and healthproblem.

, Sweden

Medical and heartproblem

$0.00 Pledged
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293 Days Left
Goal: $80,000.00
Minimum amount is $60000 Maximum amount is $70000
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I am a 47-year-old woman living in Sweden. In 2020, I got COVID-19 and became quite ill. Some time after, I had to go to the emergency room, where they diagnosed a blood clot in my lung.

Four months later, I got the COVID vaccine. Two months after that, the pain in my chest got worse. I went to the hospital for examinations, and the doctors determined that I was close to having a major heart attack. I underwent angioplasty—I was only 44 years old at the time. The doctor told me I had cardiovascular disease, and I was on sick leave for a long time.

I tried to keep going, but six months later, I fell and broke my shinbone, which required surgery. I was on sick leave for a year and had to borrow money to get by. Then, I had to undergo another angioplasty.

My colleagues say I have had such bad luck and that things should turn around—I should get some good luck. But that hasn’t happened yet. I have ended up with huge debts and don’t feel well. I still experience daily pain in my leg. But I keep trying to push through, go to work, and barely survive because of my debts.

Best regards,


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