Short Story

Help Support My P.hD Studies.

Nigeria, Nigeria

Support My Ph.D Journey

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $3,500.00
Minimum amount is $2000 Maximum amount is $3500
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Dear friends and generous donors,

I am excited to share with you my dream of completing my Ph.D in Banking and Finance. This journey will enable me to contribute meaningfully to Corporate Finance, and I invite you to be a part of it

My passion for Education (Finance) made me go further into research, to make a tangible impact in the Corporate World. A PhD will equip me with advanced knowledge, skills, and expertise to solve complex challenges in Banking and Finance (Corporate Finance)

Your contribution will support in Paying off my outstanding Tuition Fees, Research Expenses and as well as Living Expenses.

By donating, you’ll be investing in: Advancements in Corporate Finance, Empowering a Future Expert and Making it possible for me to help other upcoming researchers in this field with the advanced knowledge that I will get at the end of the program. 

Please, every contribution counts! 

Thank you for considering supporting my Ph.D journey! Your generosity will bring me closer to achieving my dreams and making a positive impact.


Priscilia Ubochi 


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