Short Story

Unable to find work since my last employer went bankrupt; need some additional funds to make it to the end of a class, after which I should be able to find work more easily.

Washington, United States (US)

Support during my class

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: $16,200.00
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $100000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I am 26 years old, and I used to design solar arrays for a solar company. That company went bankrupt in late October, and the company that bought its assets decided not to hire me or the rest of my team back. I’ve been working on getting unemployment and food stamps, as well as applying for multiple jobs, however the solar industry isn’t easy to get a job in, especially during this time of year. Additionally, I’m in a pretty isolated area, so in-person work is difficult, though I have applied to some local places anyways. I have a bootcamp starting up next week for UI/UX design, which will last for 6 months. I’m hoping to take advantage of the resources provided by the university to find work asap after graduating from the bootcamp. However, I need to be able to live until then. Unemployment has been slow going, with five weeks now showing up as “pending,” not rejected or approved. Food Stamps appears to be similar. I can live on savings for a little bit, but I’ll need help if I’m to make it through to June. I’ll still be trying to get unemployment and food stamps, so this is mainly a backup plan. If anyone has some spare cash they don’t mind tossing my way, I’d appreciate the donation, truly.


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