Short Story

Hello, my name is Christian and I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t really needed, but since I was a kid I had a very hard life and couldn’t end my studies, I’d like to study software developer but I was left alone and without resources, atm I’m working in a inhuman work that barely gives me money to survive, so I would appreciate any kind of help to pay for my studies. I would give you upgrades on the studies so you know that the money is well used. Ty in advice and love for y’all <3

Spain, Spain


$0.00 Pledged
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Goal: $10,000.00
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1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hello, my name is Christian and I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t really needed, but since I was a kid I had a very hard life and couldn’t end my studies, I’d like to study software developer but I was left alone and without resources, atm I’m working in a inhuman work that barely gives me money to survive, so I would appreciate any kind of help to pay for my studies. I would give you upgrades on the studies so you know that the money is well used. Ty in advice and love for y’all <3


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