Short Story
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this – I usually don’t go out of my way to ask others for help, but I have been struggling with my mental health since I can’t afford my treatments, so much that I’m at risk of losing my job and home and am currently in debt as well. Anything will help.
I am a young female living on my own. I don’t really have anyone I can reach out to regarding this and this isn’t typically something I would do, as I have been fairly independent for the majority of my adult life and don’t want to burden anyone around me with the hardships I’m experiencing. I have been diagnosed with PTSD and Bipolar Disorder, and unfortunately my insurance doesn’t cover the cost of the medication I need to get me through this. I am currently working but do not have the sufficient funds to afford both my medications and my rent and other bills. Due to episodes of mania I’ve been having, I have unfortunately also used my credit cards excessively (again, these episodes occur because I do not have the medications due to not being able to afford them). I am now in credit card debt due to my mental illness being untreated, and additionally it is now affecting my work life as well and it is difficult to attend my job because of how hard it is to focus. The financial goal is to pay for the credit card debt and my medications and other treatment that I have to be on for life. I know this isn’t as severe as other situations that I know other people are experiencing, but I’m at risk of losing my job, my beloved pets, and possibly my home because of my mental health deteriorating. Thank you to whoever is reading this, and I’m sending only well wishes to those also being affected by mental illness. Anything really is appreciated no matter how big or small, but I am just grateful to anyone who took the time to read this. Thank you so much.
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dmark44001 –
Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. [email protected] or +1 325-307-4587