Short Story

Hello. Stander Family in desperate need of financial assistance to in return help meny friends and family in need currently. We plan on teaching people about online earning and kickstarting new earning ideas and funding to start.

Kindly consider funding our purpose for alot of people don’t know that they can earn online and suffering is very real in our country

Durban, South Africa

Stander Family Help

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: $10,000.00
Minimum amount is $1000 Maximum amount is $2500
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Dear reader.

My name is Izak Stander and I live in SA. Things in our country has taken a terrible turn since 1995 and basic things like food, petrol and mostly everything has skyrocketed in price and the after effects of Covid19  is still being felt to the maximum.

Between 2020 and 2024 we have depleted our savings and have had countless hungry days. In fact, in 2020 I weighed in at 91kg and I currently weigh 45kg.

I was recently introduced to online possibilities where a decent salary can be made and got some training in currency mining etc. We need atleast $1000 to start uo and earn soon. Nothing is really guaranteed, but we recon it’s worth a try since it is very promising.

My wife, daughter and myself will be extremely grateful for some assistance from caring people like yourself so that in turn we can also assist people in need.

Thanking you in advance

The Standers


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